Guardians of Lake Hāwea
The Guardians of Lake Hāwea ensure that Lake Hāwea (and its surrounds) water quality, biodiversity and ecosystems are maintained and managed sustainably and safely for the benefit of all.
Enhancing Lake Hāwea’s Riparian Zone & Indigenous Biodiversity
Join our facebook page @haweanz to track progress on the enhancement of Lake Hāwea’s southern foreshore Riparian Zone and Indigenous Biodiversity.
Read more: Enhancing Lake Hāwea’s Riparian Zone and Indigenous Biodiversity Version 1.4 (7 May 2018)

Grebes and Dotterels (pūteketeke & tūturiwhatu)
The Guardians of Lake Hāwea look after the Grebes & Dotterels, two very special bird species that call Lake Hāwea home.

Mitigation of the Township’s Stormwater on Lake Hāwea
Lake Hāwea Erosion Management Plan
Pest Plant Species
ORC Long Term Plan
Freedom Camping
Monthly Reports
The Guardians’ of Lake Hāwea Committee Information
Committee Members
John Langley
e. jd.langley@icloud.com
Alison Brown
Jude Battson
Committee Members
Amie Capell, Don Robertson, Jane Forsyth, Jerry Burdon, Jessica Clark, John Taylor, Pip O’Connell
Committee Objective
Foster the development of a management plan for Lake Hāwea;
Liaise with users/stakeholders, and statutory authorities of the lake and its catchments;
Ensure that water levels and conditions of usage by Contact Energy are adhered to;
Contribute to any review of lake use, including any applications for consent to use the lake and its catchments;
Foster measurement and monitoring of lake conditions, its physical and biological properties including water quality, biodiversity, biosecurity, lake use, and lake catchment use.
Committee Structure
The Guardians shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting of the Hāwea Community Association Inc and consist of eight (8) persons. They do not have to be HCA Inc members.
The Guardians shall elect their own Chairperson and Secretary.
A Chairperson shall not hold office for more than two years in succession.
The retiring Chairperson shall be part of the Committee ex-officio, i.e. in addition to the eight elected.
The committee shall have the power to co-opt a further two people who may contribute their expertise or knowledge in any special subject under discussion.
The Quorum for Committee meetings shall be five (5).
Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm.