About the HCA
The Hāwea Community Association is a community based incorporated society, established in 1989 to promote the interests, needs and well-being of our Hāwea community and the surrounding environment.
We actively consult and work with the government, local government and other parties who affect our way of life. We also provide support to community initiatives and groups for social events, community well-being and sporting clubs.
Our membership is made up of residents and ratepayers living within the Central Otago townships of Lake Hāwea, Hāwea Flat and John Creek, as well as the farming areas of Hāwea Flat, Maungawera Valley and the surrounding high country stations.
Ongoing work that is done by the HCA includes three annual meetings with the community for special meetings and updates, with an increasing load or demand for community workshops to gauge community views for the ongoing business and work of the committee.
The association has a variety of sub-committees that work on the ANZAC services, foreshore re-vegetation and beautification of the Hāwea Lakefront, Guardians of Lake Hāwea and recreational play-space development. The HCA also runs the Hāwea Green Waste Centre on Domain Road, through an extensive volunteer network. Learn about the specific projects Hāwea Community Association are working on, and our sub-committees on our Projects & Committees page.
Public Meetings
HCA public meetings are held three times per year, including two public meetings and our AGM in October. All Hāwea residents are welcome to attend the public meetings and we strongly encourage any interested parties to come along. We also host the public meeting on Zoom and as a video recording. Links are posted on our website close to the meeting date. Please note, you don’t need to have an HCA membership to attend public meetings, but to vote on issues you are required to sign up as a member, due to legal obligations of HCA operating as a society.
Public Meeting dates for 2021 are as follows:
Public Meeting: 23rd January 2021 - view minutes here
Public Meeting: 8th May 2021 - view minutes here
AGM: 6th November 2021
We highly recommend signing up to our mailing list to ensure you have your say, as we send out important community consultation surveys with upcoming developments.
Read our Privacy Policy, Social Media Policy and Constitution.
The Aims of the HCA
To promote the wellbeing and sustainable development of the Hāwea district.
To foster values and actions consistent with a cohesive nurturing community.
To safeguard the interests of residents and ratepayers.
To represent members in dealing with national and local authorities, corporations, companies, organisations and individuals.
To improve and beautify the environs of Hāwea.
Doing it for the love.
The Hāwea Community Association is a non-profit, volunteer run organisation. If you wish to donate to the association, a recommended donation of $20 per household, per year goes a long way.
Your generosity and support is much appreciated.