Community Surveys
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HCA is here to give Hāwea residents a collective voice - a balanced, fair representation of our community. It’s important our community can easily access information and have their say.
HCA Surveys
We occasionally prepare a survey on a particular issue or development for community consultation. We recommend signing up to our mailing list to be sent current online surveys. These surveys are available in printed form and can be collected/submitted at Hāwea Library dropbox. All current surveys will be posted as they become available.

QLDC Surveys
A full list of QLDC community consultation surveys are available on the QLDC Let’s Talk website. We repost surveys which directly affect Hāwea. Surveys will be listed below when available (note submission deadlines):
Other Community Surveys
From time to time other surveys pop up in the community, which are relevant to Hāwea residents. We will post information about and links to these surveys here. Please note, these surveys are not necessarily endorsed by the HCA.