Lake Hāwea Disc Golf Course

Lake Hawea Disc Golf Course Map.jpeg

The Lake Hawea Disc Golf Course is the first in New Zealand to be fully donated/provided by members of the local community.

This is a free sport that people of all ages can enjoy. It is played using the same rules as traditional golf but instead of clubs and a ball, each player has a disc (or frisbee).

The aim of the game is to get around the course in the fewest throws. The hole is completed when the disc comes to rest in the disc golf basket or chains. Please always be safe and never throw if someone is in front of you.

The course map can also be found on the free app Udisc, the Lake Hāwea Facebook page or near hole 1 at the course.

You will find the course at the corner of Lakeview Terrace & Muir Road. Please be aware this is private land with no rubbish bins so take all of your rubbish away with you.

A huge thank you to Contact Energy for allowing this courser to be installed on their land for the community to use.


Lake Hāwea Tennis Courts


Lake Hāwea Community Centre